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We can drive lasting change in our communities when we work together

Get connected with the Centre and other people working in the homelessness sector as we build and mobilise a learning culture that values evidence. By joining our communities, learning networks, and campaigns, we can help you to use evidence and data to achieve breakthrough results.

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Get in touch with us to find out more about how we can help you and your organisation with bespoke one-to-one guidance for specific local housing and homelessness challenges, based on the best available evidence.

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Please sticking post-its to a board as they work together

What Works Community

The What Works Community works with people working in the homelessness sector to tackle their toughest homelessness challenges by using robust evidence and data more effectively, providing expert support in evidence-based practice, human-centred design, and data-informed decision making.

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Homelessness Research Network

Brought together by the Centre in partnership with the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, the Office for National Statistics, and Public Health England, our learning network is a space where people doing, using, or funding research can share their findings to improve responses to homelessness. Find out how you can become a member and watch the presentations from our past meetings.

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Impact Forum

Our Impact Forum brings people together to create evidence-led solutions to end homelessness for good. Hear from experts with lived experience of homelessness, charity leaders, front line staff and policy makers to discuss how evidence can be used to end homelessness for good.

Find out more
Photograph of the Centre's CEO presenting at the homelessness Impact Forum