
The Personal Grants Project

Additional financial assistance programmes have received increased attention over the last decade. In low- and middle-income countries they have been used to alleviate poverty, with studies demonstrating that such interventions can lead to improved outcomes. We are pleased to share this ground-breaking project that is testing cash transfers as an intervention to support people out of homelessness.

We are evaluating whether giving money directly to individuals with experience of street homelessness will enable them to move on from homelessness permanently. Not through a charity or a Local Authority but directly into their own bank account. We are doing this because giving money to people experiencing hardship, known as a direct cash transfer, has a strong evidence base from evaluations across the world as an effective route out of poverty. Not many programmes have tested the impact of giving personal grants to people experiencing homelessness.

How we are going about it

In the initial phase of the project our objective was to recruit 180 people with recent experience of homelessness and split them into two groups. One group received a one-time cash grant, and the second group continued to receive support services as usual but no cash grant.

Ways to get involved

Building on this work, we want to expand this trial to reach approximately 250 more participants, and expand the locations to London and Belfast. You can read further details of how to take part in the Project Brief document on the right.

Applications are now open and you can apply here. Applications close Friday the 7th of March.

* Applications now open *