
Browse our publications to discover what works

We collaborate with academics, universities, and research groups to uncover what really helps people out of homelessness. Explore our growing body of work that includes randomised control trials, systematic reviews, policy papers, and books which help to fill the gaps in our understanding of homelessness.

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Policy paper

September 2022

Homelessness and children's social care in England

Young people who spend some of their childhood in care are much more likely to experience homelessness in adulthood. This paper highlights the shortage of high quality, causal evidence on how to prevent or end homelessness for young people leaving care and number of interventions whose theories of change suggest a reduction in homelessness as an outcome.

Policy paper

September 2022

Sexuality, gender identity and homelessness

There are many reasons why people who identify as LGBTQ+ may be at greater risk of homelessness than others. This policy paper looks at sexuality, gender identity and homelessness, and reveals where the research into interventions to help is lacking


July 2022

Could universities do more to prevent homelessness?

Published in partnership with the Higher Education Policy Institute, this paper looks at the role universities could play in preventing homelessness in their local areas. The prevalence of homelessness tends to be higher in university towns and this paper asks if universities could do more to prevent homelessness and outlines many of the steps that universities can take.


June 2022

European Journal of Homelessness: Houses, not homelessness

In the final European Journal of Homelessness paper, Danny Dorling writes of the importance of using evidence to underpin action on ending homelessness


June 2022

European Journal of Homelessness: Homelessness and Children's Social Care in England

Too many young people leaving care are afflicted at some point by homelessness. But we know little about how to lift these young people out of homelessness, or prevent it from occurring in the first place. Find out more in this journal article.


May 2022

European Journal of Homelessness: Seeing Homelessness through the Sustainable Development Goals

The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a powerful mechanism for encouraging global progress towards shared social and environmental goals. Yet homelessness is not explicitly mentioned. Could ‘seeing’ and measuring homelessness through the lens of the SDGs help to coordinate efforts to end it? This article tackles this question.


May 2022

European Journal of Homelessness: The Role of the Arts in Ending Homelessness

Arts and creativity are an intrinsic part of being human. But how does this theory of creativity relate to modern day homelessness prevention? This article explores the contribution of art and sport to ending homelessness.


May 2022

European Journal of Homelessness: The Importance of Firsthand Experience

This article explores the challenges of incorporating first-hand experiences in a meaningful way in the homelessness sector, stating that individuals are often seen as informants, rather than people who can create change themselves. It explores the challenges and opportunities for meaningful involvement of those with experiences of homelessness and related issues.