
Browse our publications to discover what works

We collaborate with academics, universities, and research groups to uncover what really helps people out of homelessness. Explore our growing body of work that includes randomised control trials, systematic reviews, policy papers, and books which help to fill the gaps in our understanding of homelessness.

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May 2022

Tackling Tenancy Insecurity in the Private Rented Sector

Everyone deserves a safe, stable place to call home. But for many renters living in the Private Rented Sector across the UK, ‘home’ isn’t something they can be sure of. This paper highlights that more could be done within the Private Rented Sector (PRS) to prevent homelessness.


May 2022

European Journal of Homelessness: Social Innovation in Preventing Homelessness

This European Journal of Homelessness article looks at role of international engagement and social innovation in preventing youth homelessness in Wales and Canada.


May 2022

European Journal of Homelessness: Social Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Philanthropy

This paper introduces the concept of social entrepreneurship, exploring its potential contribution to a what works system, and describes the role of entrepreneurial philanthropy in funding such approaches. It then makes tentative proposals about the specific functions of social entrepreneurship in the homelessness field and explores criticisms of social entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial philanthropy.


May 2022

European Journal of Homelessness: Finnish but not yet finished: Successes and challenges of Housing First in Finland

Homelessness in Finland has decreased continuously since 2013. Read about their strategy, and what has worked – and not – in this article for the European Journal of Homelessness


April 2022

Insights into the use of modular housing in addressing homelessness

Modular housing is one of the innovations increasingly used in the homelessness sector to provide temporary accommodation, but there is very limited evidence about the effectiveness of these models, the barriers and facilitators to set them up and operate them, and the experiences of people housed there. This research provides an overview of current modular and container housing provision in the UK.


April 2022

European Journal of Homelessness: Governing Through Definitions and Numbers

This paper looks at the latest research on how analysis of homeless registrations are utilised as instruments of governing homelessness in Nordic countries.


April 2022

European Journal of Homelessness: The Promises and Pitfalls of Administrative Data Linkage for Tackling Homelessness

This article draws on published research and use case studies of linkages undertaken by one of the authors to reflect on the promises and pitfalls of administrative data linkage to understand and tackle homelessness.


April 2022

European Journal of Homelessness: Homelessness and Street Homelessness in England

This article sets out the policy context on homelessness and street homelessness in England and to provide an overview of how improvements to the available data and evidence have contributed to, and influenced, policy-making.