
Browse our publications to discover what works

We collaborate with academics, universities, and research groups to uncover what really helps people out of homelessness. Explore our growing body of work that includes randomised control trials, systematic reviews, policy papers, and books which help to fill the gaps in our understanding of homelessness.

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March 2022

European Journal of Homelessness: Social Investment in Ending Homelessness

Social investment from both the public and philanthropic sectors have been activated to test innovative new approaches to ending homelessness. This paper highlights three innovative investment approaches to accelerate solutions to end homelessness. Each approach highlights the mechanisms by which the approach leverages public, philanthropic, and private capital to address a particular challenge that may be slowing progress toward the goal of ending homelessness.


March 2022

European Journal of Homelessness: Finnish but not yet Finished - Successes and Challenges of Housing First in Finland

The success of the Finnish model has been attributed to an integrated strategy. But is it possible to distil those elements of the Finnish model that have worked well and those failures or missteps that should be avoided in the future? This article is a preliminary exercise for that kind of analysis.


March 2022

European Journal of Homelessness: A Tale of Two Countries: A Comparison of Multi-Site Randomised Controlled Trials

As part of the Special Edition of the European Journal of Homelessness, this paper compares the results from the large multi-site trials that examined the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of Pathways Housing First (HF) in Canada and France. Written by Tim Aubry, Maryann Roebuck, Sandrine Loubiere Aurelie Tinland, Geoff Nelson and Eric Latimer.


February 2022

European Journal of Homelessness: Introduction to the Special Issue

Written by Ligia Teixeira, this article is one of a series of articles commissioned by the Centre for Homelessness Impact or a special edition of the European Journal of Homelessness.

Evidence Notes
Evidence Note

January 2022

What Works Evidence Notes: Employment

This paper looks at the evidence around the relationship between homelessness and employment, with a focus on street homelessness and other forms of single homelessness.

Evidence Notes
Evidence Note

December 2021

What Works Evidence Notes: Immigration

This paper looks at the evidence around the relationship between homelessness and immigration status, with a focus on street homelessness and other forms of single homelessness, looking in particular at people with no recourse to public funds.

Evidence Notes
Evidence Note

December 2021

What Works Evidence Notes: Welfare

This paper describes some key trends about homelessness and the existing evidence about how this relates to changes in benefit entitlements. We discuss opportunities for data analyses to quantify these links as well as potential opportunities for reform. It should be read alongside the joint CHI-CIH paper on housing subsidies for people on low incomes.

Evidence Notes
Evidence note

November 2021

What Works Evidence Notes: Prevention

Homelessness prevention has become an increasingly important part of addressing homelessness in the UK and a number of countries across the world, including the US, Finland, Canada, Australia and Germany. This paper provides an overview of the evidence on the success of interventions for preventing homelessness.