
Browse our publications to discover what works

We collaborate with academics, universities, and research groups to uncover what really helps people out of homelessness. Explore our growing body of work that includes randomised control trials, systematic reviews, policy papers, and books which help to fill the gaps in our understanding of homelessness.

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Evidence Notes
Evidence note

November 2021

What Works Evidence Notes: Drugs and Alcohol

This paper provides an overview of the evidence on the relationship between homelessness and substance and alcohol use. It captures recent trends and identifies what we know about what works for whom. We conclude with some initial thoughts on implications for policy and practice.

Policy paper

October 2021

Housing for people on low incomes - how do we make the best use of government subsidies in England?

A policy paper written in partnership with the Chartered Institute of Housing assesses whether better value for money be achieved by redirecting some of the £30.6bn which is currently spent on housing benefit and the housing element of universal credit.

Systematic review

August 2021

Improving access to health and social care services for individuals experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness

A report in collaboration with Campbell UK & Ireland, Centre for Evidence and Social Innovation and Queens University Belfast which examines the evidence on interventions which improve access to health and social care.

Policy Paper

July 2021

Women, homelessness and violence: what works?

A policy paper in collaboration with Sheffield Hallam University's Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research exploring gender-based approaches to homelessness policy.


April 2021

Evidence and framing: public perceptions and homelessness

A survey conducted in partnership with Ipsos MORI


April 2021

Summary: Encouraging landlords to let to people receiving benefits and at risk of homelessness.

Report summary

Randomised Control Trial

April 2021

Encouraging landlords to let to people receiving benefits and at risk of homelessness

Two randomised controlled trials undertaken in partnership with The National Residential Landlords Association and the Behavioural Insights Team.

Evidence and Gap Map

March 2021

Evidence and Gap Maps Implementation: Second Edition

The updated 2021 edition shows 275 studies on why interventions to improve the welfare of people experiencing homelessness or at risk work or not.